- Send a inquiry for a personalized job ad offer
Job ad posting
Job portal is the #1 place job seekers look. Job ad posting on the CV.ee job portal helps you find the best candidates. Enter your job ad details here and we will send you a personalized offer to post job ad.
Job ad posting details
Enter the requested information about company and the job offer.
Personalized offer
Your company's personal customer manager will contact you and offer possible job ad posting solutions.
Job ad posting on the #1 job search channel
Confirm the offer that suits you and start job ad posting on the CV.ee job portal.
Or choose suitable pricing for job ad posting and send a request
The #1 place job seekers look
CV.ee job portal is one of the largest job portals in Estonia, visited monthly by 300,000+ unique job seekers and our job portal database contains
500,000+ active CVs.

Job seekers just a click away
With us you get access to the largest network of job ad channels in Estonia. Publishing a job ad automatically takes your job ad to many media channels (Facebook; Google; delfi.ee; soov.ee; kuldnebors.ee; workinestonia.com, etc.).

Job portal for every employer
You will find the right employee regardless of your field of activity. Our service portfolio includes both classic online job portal services and tailor-made recruitment projects. We want every company to find a solution for all their recruitment needs in one place.

Save time & money
The recruitment services offered include tools and services that help managers and other people involved in recruitment save time, achieving maximum attention and results. Each CV.ee employer has their own personal client manager. In addition, it is possible to search for or manage candidates conveniently directly in our system.

Frequently asked from employers
Here you will find answers to all frequently asked questions. If you wish, write to us at info@cv.ee or call +372 6990 555.
On average, you can start posting your job ad within one hour of submitting your request. Our customer service will contact you shortly after submitting your request to confirm details and provide additional information.
For a faster and smoother process, we recommend:
Provide complete and accurate information in the request form to avoid delays.
Monitor your email or phone to respond quickly to follow-up inquiries from our team.
Prepare the text content of your job ad before submitting your request
If you have special requests or an urgent schedule, please let us know by emailing info@cv.ee or calling +372 6990555.
There are many different ways to upload attractive and effective job ads. In addition to thought out content, you should definitely use some of the additional services. CV.ee job portal offers several effective additional services that help to significantly increase the number of candidates and the visibility of your job ads.
CV.ee is the job portal with the best network of employers and the largest distribution channels in Estonia. In addition, it is one of the leading recruitment partners in the Baltics. We offer our customers a wide range of recruitment services and an extensive and constantly evolving network of job distribution channels throughout the Baltics.
CV.ee is job portal with the largest network of distribution channels in Estonia.
Through CV.ee it is possible to find candidates regardless of the organization field of activity. Our job advertisements have the widest network of distribution channels in Estonia, and therefore the job advertisements can also be found in many other external media channels (Facebook; Google; delfi.ee; soov.ee; kuldnebors.ee; workinestonia.com, etc).
Each CV.ee employer has its own personal client manager. Employers can conveniently search or manage candidates directly in our system. In addition to the classic job offers, we also offer a number of effective additional services (click here to find out), which help to significantly increase the number of candidates and the visibility of the job advertisement.
In order to know which recruitment service to choose, it is first necessary to define the problem you want to solve. Recruitment service is most often outsourced due to lack of in-house time or recruitment knowledge.